Thursday 10 October 2013


Ah, November. A month of general fabulousness. Fireworks. I do love fireworks but every year I stand around in the cutting Arctic wind wishing Guy Fawkes had had his brilliant idea in June, and it's also the month in which I was unleashed on the unsuspecting world. Mwahaha.

But for writers, and their long-suffering friends, partners, spouses, dogs, cats and goldfish, National Novel Writing Month gives November its real sparkle. Of terror. Of fear of failure and the unknown. I've never been particularly disciplined in any area of my life, and my writing is no different, so if I do participate it'll be unofficially, with plenty of chocolate lying around in case of failure. But one of my great skills in life is as a cheerleader. So GOOD LUCK to everyone doing NaNoWriMo, and I hope your book kicks arse.

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